The Newman Society is always keen to hear from our old members*, and from anyone else who is interested in our activities. In order to better keep in touch with our friends and alumni, in Hilary Term 2021 we created a free termly email newsletter, which gives updates on the Society’s activities in the past term. Now, we are excited to announce the launch of our new Friends and Alumni Association, whereby former members and other interested parties can become benefactors of the Society, in exchange for a range of privileges.
An annual subscription costs £15, for which you get:
- A copy of each edition of the Society’s new magazine, Cor ad Cor (ISSN: 2754-9933), released on the Feasts of the English Martyrs (4th May) and of our glorious patron St John Henry Newman (9th October) each year.
- A complimentary copy of our term card each term.
- An invitation to an annual friends and alumni dinner, held each Hilary Term (between mid-January and early March).
- Once a term, Mass will be offered for the intentions of our benefactors, and deceased benefactors are prayed for at our annual Society Requiem Mass in November.
Alumni who have entered the religious life and taken simple or solemn vows which include poverty and who therefore would not otherwise be able to subscribe, are able to request a copy of the Magazine from the Editor, by emailing We will also maintain our termly email newsletters for those who do not wish to become benefactors, but all the same want to remain in contact with the Society.
If you would like to become a benefactor of the Society, please visit Here, you will be able to set up a direct debit, and give us a little information about your relationship with the Society. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to only receive the termly email newsletter, you can sign up at
℣. Oremus pro benefactoribus nostris.
℟. Retribuere dignare, Domine, omnibus, nobis bona facientibus propter nomen tuum, vitam æternam. Amen.
*Please note that, since the 2012 merger with the Oxford University Catholic Society, The Newman Society is the sole Catholic Society for the University. Alumni of the Catholic Society are, therefore, the alumni of the unified Society, even though the name is slightly different!